126 research outputs found

    Managing expert knowledge in water network expansion project implementation

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    The implementation of expansion projects of water networks supplying growing cities is deemed to be a complex decision-making problem involving both technical aspects and expert knowledge. Management and control processes must rely on experts in the field whose knowhow must be coupled with techniques able to deal with the natural subjectivity that affects input evaluations. Given the presence of many decision-making elements, the choice of proper hydraulic technical parameters may be linked to the main aspects of analysis requiring formal expert evaluation. In this contribution, the simulation of hydraulic indicators is integrated with a multi-criteria approach able to eventually determine those areas of a water network through which organising the expansion may be more beneficial. The software EPAnet 2.0 is first used for hydraulic simulations, whereas the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) will eventually rank network's nodes. A case study is solved to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright (C) 2021 The Authors

    Desenvolvimento e caracteriza??o de eletrodos de grafite funcionalizados com filmes de homopol?meros, copol?meros e bicamadas para uso em biossensores

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - C?digo de Financiamento 001.Pol?meros condutores s?o conhecidos por atuarem como excelentes materiais para imobiliza??o de biomol?culas e r?pida transfer?ncia de el?trons para a fabrica??o de biossensores eficientes, uma vez que, possuem grupos funcionais preservados que podem promover melhorias significativas na adsor??o e intera??o da interface biomol?cula/transdutor, evitando-se assim efeitos indesejados como, por exemplo, o de lixivia??o do componente imobilizado. Neste sentido, foi investigada a eletropolimeriza??o dos mon?meros anilina (ANI), o-hidroxibenzamida (OHBA), o-aminobenzamida (OABA) e o-aminofenol (OAF) na forma de monocamada, bicamada e copol?meros sobre eletrodos de grafite, utilizando-se voltametria c?clica, para constru??o e desenvolvimento de plataformas eletroqu?micas funcionalizadas. Foram avaliadas 22 plataformas eletroqu?micas onde observou-se diferen?as entre as respostas eletroqu?micas das bicamadas e dos copol?meros, sugerindo que, a copolimeriza??o n?o ? apenas uma sobreposi??o dos homopol?meros como ocorre nas bicamadas. Realizou-se caracteriza??o eletroqu?mica e morfol?gica das plataformas funcionalizadas por Espectroscopia de Imped?ncia Eletroqu?mica (EIE), Voltametria C?clica (VC) e Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura (MEV). Observou-se que as plataformas funcionalizadas derivadas dos mon?meros ANI, OAF e OABA apresentaram car?ter majoritariamente cati?nico, enquanto plataformas funcionalizadas derivadas do mon?mero OHBA apresentaram car?ter majoritariamente ani?nico. An?lises de MEV possibilitaram observar diferen?as morfol?gicas entre as plataformas funcionalizadas e o eletrodo de grafite (EG) n?o modificado, comprovando a modifica??o da superf?cie dos EG pelos pol?meros formados. Os resultados obtidos por EIE comprovaram as observa??es feitas nas an?lises de VC para as plataformas funcionalizadas na presen?a das sondas redox. As plataformas funcionalizadas foram aplicadas em estudos iniciais do desenvolvimento de um imunossensor impedim?trico, atrav?s da imobiliza??o dos ant?genos recombinantes JL7, 1F8 e B13 para detec??o de anticorpos da doen?a de Chagas em amostras cl?nicas. Os imunossensores desenvolvidos utilizando-se as plataformas POABA, POAF_sobre_POHBA, POHBA_sobre_POAF e POHBA_sobre_POABA mostraram-se promissoras, uma vez que apresentaram especificidade de 338%, 282%, 294% e 183% respectivamente e, portanto, melhores desempenhos quando comparadas ?s demais.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Qu?mica, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2020.Conductive polymers are known to act as excellent materials for immobilizing biomolecules and fast electron transfer for the manufacture of efficient biosensors, since they have preserved functional groups that can promote significant improvements in adsorption and interaction of the biomolecule/transducer interface, avoiding if so unwanted effects like, for example, the leaching of the immobilized component. In this sense, the electropolymerization of the monomers aniline (ANI), o-hydroxybenzamide (OHBA), o-aminobenzamide (OABA), and o-aminophenol (OAF) in the form of monolayer, bilayer, and copolymers on graphite electrodes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry, for construction and development of functionalized electrochemical platforms. Twenty-two electrochemical platforms were evaluated where differences were observed between the electrochemical responses of the bilayers and the copolymers, suggesting that copolymerization is not just an overlap of homopolymers as occurs in bilayers. Electrochemical and morphological characterization of the platforms functionalized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIE), cyclic voltammetry (VC), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed. It was observed that the functionalized platforms derived from the monomers ANI, OAF, and OABA were mostly cationic, while functionalized platforms derived from the OHBA monomer were mostly anionic. SEM analyzes made it possible to observe morphological differences between the functionalized platforms and the unmodified EG, proving the modification of the EG surface by the polymers formed. The results obtained by EIE confirmed the observations made in the VC analysis for the functionalized platforms in the presence of the redox probes. The functionalized platforms were applied in initial studies of the development of an impedimetric immunosensor, through the immobilization of recombinant antigens JL7, 1F8, and B13 for the detection of Chagas disease antibodies in clinical samples. The immunosensors developed using the POABA, POAF_over_POHBA, POHBA_over_POAF, and POHBA_over_POABA platforms proved to be promising, since they presented 338%, 282%, 294%, and 183% specificity, respectively, and therefore better performances when compared to the others

    Processos administrativos disciplinares e seus impactos na sa?de do servidor p?blico

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    Este estudo se situa na linha de pesquisa Vigil?ncia em Sa?de e Promo??o da Sa?de. O principal objetivo do texto ? caracterizar os impactos dos processos administrativos disciplinares (PAD) na sa?de dos servidores docentes da UFVJM, a partir dos relatos m?dicos e dos relatos dos pr?prios trabalhadores contidos nos autos processuais. A pesquisa teve ainda, como objetivos espec?ficos, aferir o n?mero de processos administrativos disciplinares conclu?dos na UFVJM no per?odo de agosto de 2011 a agosto de 2019, identificando as principais caracter?sticas dos processos conclu?dos no per?odo em tela, al?m de tipificar os atestados m?dicos contidos nos mesmos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, utilizando-se a abordagem quali-quantitativa. Destaca-se neste estudo que o PAD tem sido utilizado como mecanismo de gest?o de conflitos entre os sujeitos e a Administra??o e que o trabalho exercido junto ?s comiss?es de PAD se traduz em fator predisponente para o sofrimento e adoecimento do trabalhador no contexto atual do trabalho docente realizado na universidade p?blica brasileira. Diante dos resultados encontrados, acredita-se que a pesquisa possa contribuir para o direcionamento de a??es pela UFVJM, no sentido de amenizar os sofrimentos desencadeados nos trabalhadores em decorr?ncia da sua participa??o na atividade disciplinar na universidade.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2020.This study is in the line of research Health Surveillance and Health Promotion. The main objective of the text is to characterize the impacts of disciplinary administrative processes (PAD) on the health of UFVJM's teaching staff, based on medical reports and the reports of the workers themselves contained in the procedural records. The research also had, as specific objectives, to measure the number of disciplinary administrative processes concluded at UFVJM in the period from August 2011 to August 2019, identifying the main characteristics of the processes concluded in the period in question, in addition to typifying the medical certificates contained in the themselves. This is a documentary research, using the qualitative and quantitative approach. It is noteworthy in this study that the PAD has been used as conflict management mechanism between the subjects and the Administration and that the work performed with the PAD commissions is a predisposing factor for the suffering and illness of the worker in the current context of the teaching work carried out at the Brazilian public university. In view of the results found, it is believed that the research can contribute to the direction of actions by UFVJM, in order to alleviate the suffering triggered by the workers as a result of their participation in the disciplinary activity at the university

    Avaliação dos teores de proteínas e lipídios em barras protéicas

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    Os vários efeitos benéficos da prática de exercícios têm gerado uma grande procura por academias. Estas pessoas fisicamente ativas passaram também a se preocupar com a alimentação, buscando cada vez mais recursos para melhorar seus resultados, levando a um grande consumo de suplementos alimentares, principalmente os proteicos. Entretanto, análises fiscais demonstraram que nem sempre o que se consome está de acordo com o que está informado no rótulo. Como este problema pode se estender a outros alimentos proteicos, como as barras de proteína, este trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação dos teores de proteínas e lipídios em barras proteicas encontradas no mercado brasileiro. Realizou-se então a determinação do teor de proteínas pelo método de Kjeldahl modificado, e também, como análise complementar, o teor de lipídios pelo método de Bligh-Dyer modificado. De três marcas avaliadas (denominadas A, B e C), duas apresentaram variação da quantidade de nutrientes declarados além daquela permitida pela legislação, que é de ± 20%. A marca B apresentou teor inferior de proteínas (-29%) e de lipídios (-36%). Já marca C apresentou teor de lipídios superior (39%). Estes resultados indicam irregularidade na composição das barras de proteínas frente à legislação vigente, mostrando a necessidade de um melhor controle por parte das indústrias e uma fiscalização mais efetiva, para garantir que a veracidade das informações nutricionais dos rótulos cumpra o objetivo de auxiliar os consumidores na escolha dos produtos, assim como os profissionais da saúde na orientação das dietas. ABSTRACTEvaluation of the protein and lipids contents in protein barsThe various beneficial effects of exercising have generated a great demand for gyms. These physically active people also began to worry about nutrition, increasingly seeking resources to improve their results, leading to a large consumption of dietary supplements, especially protein. However, fiscal analysis demonstrates that what is consumed is not always in agreement with what is reported on the label. How this problem can be extended to other protein foods such as protein bars, this study aims to evaluate the protein and lipids contents in protein bars found in the Brazilian market. The study then performed the determination of the protein content by modified Kjeldahl method, and also as a complement, the lipid content by modified Bligh-Dyer method. Of the evaluated three marks (termed A, B and C), two showed a varying amount of nutrients reported beyond that permitted by law, that is ± 20%. The brand B had lower protein content (-29%) and lipids (-36%). Brand C showed higher lipid content (39%). These results indicate irregularity in the composition of the protein bars front of the current legislation, showing the need for better control by industries and more effective supervision, to ensure that the accuracy of nutritional information on labels comply with the aim of assisting consumers in their choice of products, as well as health professionals in guiding diets

    Analysis of the incidence of counterattacks in the futsal of the Corinthians team under 20 category state champion 2016.

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    O futsal ? um dos esportes mais praticados no Brasil, contudo ainda ? o esporte que menos ocorre compartilhamento t?cnico, t?tico e estrat?gico entre seus adeptos no pa?s, partindo deste princ?pio o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar quantitativamente as jogadas ofensivas de contra-ataques da equipe sub 20 do Corinthians. Foram observadas 14 partidas do campeonato Estadual 2016 e utilizado a coleta de dados por meio de v?deos retirados do Youtube?. As vari?veis utilizadas para configurar as origens dos gols de contra-ataque foram: O setor em que a bola foi roubada, as caracter?sticas dos contra-ataques, a zona de finaliza??o e o aproveitamento das finaliza??es. No total houveram 83 gols marcados, 28 gols (34%) foram de contra-ataques, desses 28 gols, 17 foram feitos na fase classificat?ria e 11 gols na fase final. Houve uma Incid?ncia maior da sa?da de contra-ataque nas zonas centrais da defesa SDC1 (16%) e SDC2 (21%), foi poss?vel relatar uma tend?ncia maior da equipe em adotar o contra-ataque assistido pelo jogador de linha, uma m?dia de 6,5 por partida na primeira fase e 5,3 na fase final. Foi identificado um ?ndice de aproveitamento das finaliza??es em gol ap?s o contra-ataque de 30% e as finaliza??es foram conclu?das em sua grande maioria na zona central ofensiva (45%).Futsal is one of the most popular sports in Brazil, however it is still the sport that less occurs sharing technical, tactical, and strategic among their supporters in the country, starting from this principle the present study aimed to analyze quantitatively the offensive plays of the counter-attacks of the team sub 20 Corinthians. Were observed in fourteen matches of the State championship 2016 and used the collection of data by means of videos taken from youtube. The variables used to configure the sources of the goals of the counter-attack were: The sector in which the ball was stolen, the characteristics of the counter-attacks, the zone of completion and the enjoyment of finishing. In total there have been 83 goals scored, 28 goals (34%) were from counter-attacks, of those 28 goals, 17 were made in the qualifying round and 11 goals scored in the final stage. There was a higher Incidence of the output of the counter-attack in the central areas of the defense SDC1 (16%) and SDC2 (21%), it was possible to report a greater tendency of the team to adopt the counter-attack assisted by the player in line, an average of 6.5 per game in the first stage and 5.3 in the final phase. Has been identified an index of utilization of the completions in the goal after a counter-attack of 30% and completions were completed in their vast majority in the central zone offens

    Análise antropométrica e dietética de surfistas amadores

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    O Surf é um esporte popular no Brasil, porém dados referentes à antropometria e dietéticos nos surfistas brasileiros ainda são limitados. Sendo assim, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi verificar as características antropométricas e nutricionais de surfistas amadores brasileiros. Para tanto foram analisados seis surfistas do sexo masculino com idade média de 27,6 ± 2,7 anos, massa corporal de 75 ± 7,8 kg e estatura de 179,3 ± 5,4 cm. O percentual de gordura foi determinado por meio da bioimpedância elétrica e os valores encontrados foram de 15,6 ± 3,6 %. Para averiguar o consumo alimentar dos atletas foi utilizado o questionário Semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar. Em relação ao grupo óleos 39,1%, cereais e leguminosas 41,5%, produtos diet e light 70,6% raramente ou nunca os mesmos eram consumidos p˂0,05. Em conclusão, os sufistas do presente estudo, se apresentaram mais altos, pesados e com %G superior aos registrados pela literatura, e mostraram uma inadequação alimentar, não coerente e balanceada que contemplem as necessidades diárias de nutrientes, para sua prática esportiva. ABSTRACT Anthropometric and dietetic analysis in amateur surfersSurfing is a popular sport in Brazil, however, data on anthropometry and dietetics in Brazilian surfers are still limited. Therefore, the objective of the present research was to verify the anthropometric and nutritional characteristics of Brazilian amateur surfers. For that, six surfers were analyzed with the mean age of 27.6 ± 2.7, body mass of 75 ± 7.8 kg and 179.3 ± 5.4 cm height. The percentage of fat was determined by electrical bioimpedance and the found values were 15.6 ± 3.6 %. The semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to determine the food intake of the athletes. In relation to the group oils 39.1%, cereals and legumes 41.5%, diet and light products 70.6% rarely or never they were consumed p˂0.05. In conclusion, the surfers of this study, they showed higher, heavier and G% higher than recorded in the literature, and showed an inadequate diet, not consistent and balanced that address the daily nutrient requirements for your sport

    Conduta nutricional de bailarinos adolescentes de ambos os sexos

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    A balanced diet is a major factor for dancers because of their contribution to improving the body composition and physical fitness of this audience. The objective of the research was to evaluate the nutritional behavior of macro- and micronutrients in the diet of classic adolescent dancers. Nine male dancers of 16.4 ± 1.5 years old and female 14.5 ± 0.9 years old were evaluated. The fat percentage showed values of 8.8 ± 1.3% and 8.7 ± 2.2% for boys and girls in this order. The food consumption of the dancers was recorded in the semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Boys rarely consumed milks and derivatives 28.8%, vegetables and fruits 70%, beverages 35.7% and products diet or light 100% where p˂0.05. Girls consumed snacks and canned once a week 66.7% and rarely drinks 84.6% and diet light products 92.9% where p˂0.05. Macronutrient intake was determined through a three-day dietary recall. The percentage of carbohydrate in the diet of the dancers was 57.8 ± 16.1%, of the dancers 59.7 ± 5.5%. For the protein the value for the dancers was 18 ± 6.2% and 17 ± 2.9 for the dancers. Considering lipids, the ingested numbers were 19.6 ± 7.6% and 21.7 ± 4.7% in this order for boys and girls where, p≥0.05. In conclusion, the dancers of the present study showed a feeding inadequacy, not consistent with the daily nutrient requirements for their dance modality.Uma alimentação balanceada constitui um fator primordial para os bailarinos, devido a sua contribuição para melhorar a composição corporal e aptidão física deste público. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar a conduta nutricional de macro- e micronutrientes na dieta de bailarinos clássicos adolescentes. Foram avaliados nove bailarinos, do sexo masculino com 16,4 ± 1,5 anos e feminino 14,5 ± 0,9 anos. O percentual de gordura mostrou valores de 8,8 ± 1,3% e 8,7 ± 2,2% para os meninos e meninas nesta ordem. O consumo alimentar dos bailarinos, foi registrado no questionário semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar. Os meninos raramente consumiam leites e derivados 28,8%, hortaliças e frutas 70%, bebidas 35,7% e produtos diet ou light 100% onde p˂0,05. As meninas consumiam petiscos e enlatados 1 vez por semana 66,7% e raramente bebidas 84,6% e produtos diet light 92,9% onde p˂0,05. A ingesta de macronutrientes foi determinada por intermédio de um recordatório alimentar de três dias. O percentual de carboidrato ingerido na dieta dos bailarinos foi de 57,8 ± 16,1% e das bailarinas de 59,7 ± 5,5%. Para as proteínas o valor para os dançarinos foi de 18 ± 6,2% e de 17 ± 2,9 para as dançarinas. Sobre os lipídios os numerários ingeridos foram de 19,6 ± 7,6% e 21,7 ± 4,7% nesta ordem para meninos e meninas onde, p≥0,05. Em conclusão, os bailarinos do presente estudo, mostraram uma inadequação alimentar, não coerentes com as necessidades diárias de nutrientes, para sua modalidade de dança. ABSTRACT Nutritional conduct of adolescent dancers of both sexA balanced diet is a major factor for dancers because of their contribution to improving the body composition and physical fitness of this audience. The objective of the research was to evaluate the nutritional behavior of macro- and micronutrients in the diet of classic adolescent dancers. Nine male dancers of 16.4 ± 1.5 years old and female 14.5 ± 0.9 years old were evaluated. The fat percentage showed values of 8.8 ± 1.3% and 8.7 ± 2.2% for boys and girls in this order. The food consumption of the dancers was recorded in the semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Boys rarely consumed milks and derivatives 28.8%, vegetables and fruits 70%, beverages 35.7% and products diet or light 100% where p˂0.05. Girls consumed snacks and canned once a week 66.7% and rarely drinks 84.6% and diet light products 92.9% where p˂0.05. Macronutrient intake was determined through a three-day dietary recall. The percentage of carbohydrate in the diet of the dancers was 57.8 ± 16.1%, of the dancers 59.7 ± 5.5%. For the protein the value for the dancers was 18 ± 6.2% and 17 ± 2.9 for the dancers. Considering lipids, the ingested numbers were 19.6 ± 7.6% and 21.7 ± 4.7% in this order for boys and girls where, p≥0.05. In conclusion, the dancers of the present study showed a feeding inadequacy, not consistent with the daily nutrient requirements for their dance modality

    The institutional approach about of the international trade in counterpoint to theory of the comparative advantages : the japanese system of innovations.

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    O presente trabalho analisa a vis?o institucional em rela??o ? participa??o de uma na??o no com?rcio internacional ? e o impacto que as mudan?as institucionais no longo prazo acabam tendo sobre a lideran?a tecnol?gica mundial ? em contraponto ? Teoria das vantagens comparativas ao tratar desta quest?o. A argumenta??o aqui defendida, com base em uma pesquisa hist?rica/ bibliogr?fica, ? que a vis?o institucional pode dar uma resposta consistente para explicar as mudan?as ocorridas nas ?ltimas d?cadas na posi??o de pa?ses como o Jap?o, por exemplo, enquanto players na arena do com?rcio internacional em produtos de alto valor agregado. Isto ocorre devido ao fato de a Economia Institucional levar em conta a diversidade de fatores que afetam o desempenho de uma na??o, como por exemplo, o investimento em educa??oThe present work analyzes the institutional vision regarding the participation of a nation in international trade - and the impact that changes in long-term institutional end up taking on the global technology leadership in counterpoint the Theory of comparative advantage - when dealing this issue. The argumentation advocated here, based on a history / bibliographical research, it is that the institutional view can give a consistent answer to explain the changes in recent decades in the position of countries like Japan, for example, while players in the arena of international trade in high value-added products. This occurs due to the fact of the Institutional Economics take account the diversity of factors that affect the performance of a nation, like for example, the investment in educatio

    Numerical study of slope stability in an anchored wall in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

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    The present work presents a study on an emergency containment work carried out on one of the main avenues of the capital of Minas Gerais in the year 2018. This structure comprises a curtain anchored by rods installed on a containment of the same nature that was instated as a function of corrosion in the head of the rods due to saturation of the slope. The stability of the problem was analyzed by means of the rigorous equilibrium-limit method (Morgenstern-Price), with the help of GeoStudio 2019 software, SLOPE/W module. Through modeling using finite elements in the Sigma module of GeoStudio, A 2D strain study was carried out for the following "In Situ" scenarios (before reinforcement rods and after the application of the new reinforcement lines). Additionally, the Elastoplastic model was considered representative of the Geotechnical massif. In general, the study returned a significant increase in the safety factor of the slope conferred by the anchored wall and acceptable horizontal displacements, of the order of 1, 5c